Sunday, February 2, 2014

Suyapa and Other Fun

Well, last week was my first week with the new schedule. It was a good week, though this change will take some getting used to. Here are some highlights of the week.
  • I did a self-evaluation thing with my students since we were starting a new term. When asked to describe her behavior, one girl wrote, "adorable." Another student said that the hardest thing about school was getting up in the morning.
  • As a school we went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Suyapa in Tegucigalpa. It was beautiful to be there with the kids. I am thankful for the public schooling that I received, but it is also beautiful to be able to do things like this.
  • This weekend I was a little stressed because I have some work to do with all my new classes, but we lost power. It was like God was saying: slow down and smell the roses. I have a feeling it will take me a lot longer to learn this one. I tend to rush rush rush when I know I have things to do
On a deeper note, being on this side of my second Christmas is a little bit of an eye-opener. I've been doing a lot of reflecting. I came with the desire to love the people of Honduras and to help. Simply put, but difficultly lived. Sometimes I succeeded and sometimes I let impatience or other things get in the way. But through it all, I can see how God has been working, in my heart, in the community, and in the lives of others we serve. All I  can do is look to heaven and say thank you and ask for the grace to continue and to deepen this path that I am on in these last couple of months.

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