Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer is Here!

Well, summer has started. Our first team is down here right now and we finished orientation for the Hondurans that will be with us this summer. It is a little surreal that we have teams again. I feel like we just did this in March. But I am excited. It is sometimes a personal challenge with the teams because you get to know them well, but then they leave. And when you are first getting to know them, you know that they will soon be leaving. It would be much easier simply to give my orientation talks and complete whatever other responsibilities I have without really getting to know the groups. But part of our job as the North Americans on mission is to accompany them and help walk with them through this experience. I remember how important that was for me when I first came down, that someone listened to my questions, concerns, frustrations, and excitements and taught me about the life here and what it means to be a missionary. It is essential for them too and so even though it is a challenge, it is worth it. It is also a blessing because I am reminded of why I am here. (I don’t know how many times I have told my story, but it’s a lot.) I am also reminded of why we are here. It really is a blessing. Please pray for us next week while we are on mountain mission!

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